Hosting Services

Several SmartCash community members offer smartnode hosting services. This service can be realized securely without the customer ever giving up control of the 100000 SmartCash required for collateral. For security reasons, it is highly recommended to keep the collateral on a hardware wallet when taking advantage of a hosting service. A list of currently available smartnode hosting services is available below.

List of hosting services


  • SmartCash Hive Team is not officially involved in the provision of any of these services. Use it at your own risk.
  • SmartNode shared hosting (less than 100000 SMART) requires you to trust another party with your funds and is considered high risk.
  • Hosted SmartNode services allow you to keep control of your private keys and you should not be asked for your private key. (SmartNode Genkey is not your private key and is required for hosting)

pecuniaplatform - Operated by:@mark | pecunia#8051 (Discord)